The CoD is a configuration option in sync every frame.

if the monitor is 60Hz, reach more than 60 FPS, because more than 60 shots just does not physically monitor. As I understand it – whether to limit the maximum frequency of FPS games monitor. If a monitor has a refresh rate of 60Hz, it can display up to 60 frames per second, if the FPS higher, some frames are dropped.Usually in the game (the graphics card?) Important enough to switch if it is to play. Although it is a pity that the indicator FPH – frag per hour (frags per hour) does not exist.įPS may depend on your monitor refresh rate. FPS is not surprisingly frags per second, ie the number of enemies killed per second. This is also verified objectively (on the web to find the rotating triangles, you’ll find it at 24fps will jerk). It follows that the difference between 24 and 60 FPS is noticeable. So if fired against each other at the same time two people dead, will be the one with a lower FPS. I could not verify it 100% and I’m not entirely sure, but I have the feeling that the FPS is and how fast the game is done. In the movie box showing some movement “blurry”. I do not stress about it is the least appropriate moment. When you shoot more people, it is usually the minimum FPS J. It is highest when displaying uniform solid areas. The computer game is a bit more complicated than in the cinema. It’s not entirely true, at least for PC games. Those 24fps is sometimes regarded as a boundary flow – what is changing faster than 24 times per second eye can not tell. I read somewhere that in fact you see in the cinema more than dark images. In the cinema I think it’s about 24 “Photos” or film frames per second, or 24fps. Is reflected very quickly, so it can not recognize and perceive them as a movement. When you go to the movies, in fact, you quickly translate images. For this reason we created this project, which collects these configs. Size FPS depends on the speed of your computer and then also on the game settings. FPS is one of the most important concepts related to gaming in general. The higher FPS, the game will be smoother. If you have too low FPS = game will tear. FPS (Frame Per Seconds) indicates how many times per second, the image is rendered graphics card games (frame).