Hostilities commenced when an invasion force of the Confederacy of Independent Systems assaulted the Mid Rim world, which had fuel reservoirs necessary for the Galactic Republic to maintain its offensive. The Battle of Malastare, one of the longest and fiercest engagements of the Clone Wars, took place in 22 BBY on the planet Malastare.

There must be other options." ―Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Doctor Sionver Boll assure Doge Nakha Urus and Jedi Master Mace Windu about the safety of the electro-proton bomb We have accounted for every probable outcome." Mace Windu: " It's the improbable that concerns me, Doctor. The clones and your people will be quite safe. Palpatine: " Doctor Boll has stated that only droids will be affected by the bomb's electron field." Sionver Boll: " Yes. NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer†.At least 1 Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor.At least 6 Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters.At least 13 All Terrain Tactical Enforcers.At least 16 RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks.Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (orders via hologram).Zillo Beast transported for study on Coruscant.